Company Administration


Full time (2022)

Faculty: Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
State code: 6531LX120
Study area: Business Management and Public Management , L02 Management
Kind of the study programme: higher education college studies
Mode of studies (duration in years): full-time (3), part-time (4)
Volume of the study programme in credits: 180
Awarded degree and (or) professional qualification: Professional Bachelor of Management
Accredited: till 2023-06-30

Purpose of the study programme

To   provide   students   with   the   opportunity   to   acquire knowledge   about   company   management   and development, to acquire skills that allow constructive application of this knowledge in professional activities, to  think  creatively  and  critically,  to  analyze  and  solve  theoretical  and  practical  problems  of  company administration and to be ready for continuous improvement by a lifelong learning.

Outcomes of the study programme

Knowledge and its application 1.   Know   and   understand   the   main   theories,   functions   and   principles   of management  and  administration  and   be  able  to  apply  them  in  planning, organizing,  managing  and  improving  administration  processes,  analyzing  the external and internal environment of the company.
2. Know   the   basics   of   financial   accounting,   marketing,   human   resources management, process management, be able to apply them in practical activities; understand and apply the principles of social responsibility and ethics.
Abilities to carry out research


3.  Conduct  applied  empirical  research:  apply  quantitative  and  qualitative research methods, collect, systematizeand analyze data, formulate conclusions, provide recommendations and use the collected information to solve company’s administration problems.
Special abilities 4. Collect,  structure  and  analyze  the  company’s  performance  data,  evaluate them and make suggestions on issues of performance improvement.
5. Manage    information,    documents    using    advanced    technologies    and information systems, administer the company’s business processes.
6. Understand  the  impact  of  the  company’s  activities  on  society  and the environment,   make  socially  responsible  decisions  in  compliance  with  the principles of professional ethics.
Social abilities 7. Communicate and cooperate with specialists and representatives of groups in various fields, work individually and in a team in a multicultural work environment.
8. Express thoughts fluently and correctly orally and in writing, communicate effectively in a professional environment.
 Personal abilities 9. Communicate in writing and orally, think analytically, understand oneself in a social context, constantly learn and improve in the field of professional activity.

Career opportunities

Upon graduation and having acquired Professional Bachelor’s qualifying degree, the students of the Company Administration Study Programme will be able to work as specialists in various management fields in industry, commerce, services or the public sector.

The graduates will be able to seek for recognition of their study results, provided they wish to continue their studies according to the programmes of the first stage university studies. Having successfully completed additional studies, or satisfied other requirements stated by a higher school, they will have a right to enter Master studies of the second stage.

Degree granting requirements

Graduate’s knowledge, skills and abilities indicated in the description of the study programme are tested and assessed in public defence of a graduation thesis. A graduation thesis is an analytical project based on independent applied research. 9 ECTS are given for preparation and defence of a graduation thesis.

Coordinator of the study programme
Lecturer Palmira Rodžienė