Multimedia and Visual Communication


Faculty: Faculty of Information Technologies and Management
State code: 6531BX003
Study area: Informatics Sciences
Study field: Informatics Engineering
Type and level of the programme: higher education undergraduate college studies
Mode of studies and duration in years: full-time (3)
Volume of the study programme in credits: 180 ECTS
Awarded degree/professional qualification: Professional bachelor of Informatics Sciences
Tuition fee: 2700 Eur 

Purpose of the study program

Multimedia and visual communication study program is designed to train a specialist in the application of 2D and 3D modeling, digital audio-visual, animation, virtual reality, programming, electronic publication layout and design technologies, to design, development, integrate products of multimedia, work in the field of information and communication technologies, advertising and design agencies, publishing, and business enterprises.

Goal of the study program

To train multimedia specialists, who are capable of applying 2D and 3D modeling, digital audio-visual, animation, virtual reality, programming, electronic publication layout and design technologies. To design, develop, integrate multimedia products, work in the field of information and communication technologies, advertising and design agencies,also publishing, business enterprises.

Outcomes of the study program

Know the main principles, regularities and concepts of mathematics and informatics engineering as well as principles of informatics engineering fundamentals and being able to apply them in development of printed and electronic publications and multimedia products.

Know the terminology of the development technologies of printed and electronic publications and multimedia products.

Apply knowledge to solve technological problems of development and production of printed and electronic publications and multimedia products and analyse technological processes of development and production of printed and electronic publications and multimedia products.

Collect, analyse, systemise scientific and professional information and use it appropriately in carrying out experiments.

Apply research results for solution of technological problems of development and production of printed and electronic publications and multimedia products and for creation of innovations.

Create different types of printed and electronic publications and their design while applying special publication software, prepare text information and vector or raster graphics illustrations for printing and publication in other environments, and apply the requirements of technical editing and publishing standards.

Prepare and process text, graphic, image and sound information for multimedia product development applying graphic design solutions, creatively design and develop internet websites, interactive multimedia products (image, voice, 2D and 3D animation), test and publish them in different backgrounds.

Communicate and cooperate with social partners, developers, producers and consumers of printed and electronic publications and multimedia products nationally and internationally, assess consumers’ needs.

Know the main aspects of publishing and multimedia project management and business. Responsibly assess ethic, commercial, legal and environmental impact of publishing and multimedia projects.

Work in the team of developers of printed and electronic publications and multimedia products, or independently, using modern information and communication means.

Learn independently in professional activities field, understand moral responsibility for impact of own activities and results on society, support company value provisions, ensuring personal and company image.

Career opportunities

After graduation, individuals will be able to work in graphic design and advertising agencies, information technology companies creating websites, interactive media and implementing multimedia projects. Specialists in this field will be able to work as multimedia technology designers, programmers, creators of virtual reality and website, multimedia technology content, also to work as e-commerce and internet marketing managers. Graduates of this degree program will have the opportunity to build their own business and provide multimedia product development and design services.

Degree granting requirements

Graduate’s knowledge, skills and abilities indicated in the description of the study programme are tested and assessed in public defence of a graduation thesis. A graduation thesis is an analytical project based on independent applied research. 12 ECTS are given for preparation and defence of a graduation thesis.

Coordinator of the study program:
Lecturer Kristina Paičienė