Food Product Technology
- Full-time ( 2015 m.)
- Part-time ( 2015 m.)
- Part-time ( 2014 m.)
Faculty: Faculty of Management and Engineering
State code: 653E40003
Study area: Technological Sciences
Study field: Food and Beverage Technology
Kind of the study programme: higher education college studies
Mode of studies (duration in years): full-time (3), part-time (4)
Volume of the study programme in credits: 180
Awarded degree and (or) professional qualification: Professional Bachelor of Food Technology
Purpose of the study programme
Develop a professional who is able to design technological activities of food manufacturing companies; organize food production in a company; control technological processes to ensure the quality and the resources of the company in accordance with the principles of health friendly technology and market needs; use the sources of information; select, classify and analyze target information; continually improve his/her competencies; work in teams; think creatively and critically as well as analyze and summarize the results.
Outcomes of Food Product Technologies study programme
Knowledge and its application | 1. Apply essential theoretical and applied fundamentals and concepts of natural sciences, mathematics, engineering and food technology in solving practical food technology problems throughout the food chain. |
Ability to carry out research | 2. Select raw materials, technological equipment and carry out the necessary experiments on the basis of physical, chemical and biochemical processes and methods of food technology, process their data and provide conclusions about the nutritional value, quality and safety indicators. |
Special abilities | 3. Design the food process technology using the latest analytical and modelling methods. 4. Organize operations of a food production company (division), execute and evaluate food process technology in accordance with the ethical, legal, environmental, commercial and technological principles of the organization of work. |
Social abilities | 5. Interact with engineering and technological community, experts of nutrition and food safety as well as the general public in addressing professional challenges and taking responsibility for the quality of their performance and the performance of their subordinates. |
Personal abilities | 6. Study independently, communicate in their native and foreign language, use the possibilities provided by information technologies, principles of teamwork and professional ethics when analyzing and summarizing the results. |
Career opportunities
Graduates of the Alytaus kolegija / University of Applied Sciences can be enrolled to the second cycle studies by the approved procedure of the university.
Degree granting requirements
Graduate’s knowledge, skills and abilities indicated in the description of the study programme are tested and assessed in public defence of a graduation thesis (Project). A graduation thesis (Project) is an analytical project based on independent applied research. 12 ECTS are given for preparation and defence of a graduation thesis (Project).
Double degree of Professional Bachelor
On completion of Food Product Technology study programme and in pursue of a double degree of Professional Bachelor it is possible to choose related studies of the Business Management study programme (state code 653N20026). On completion a graduate is additionally awarded Professional Bachelor’s degree of Business.
Coordinator of the study programme
Lecturer Sigitas Naruševičius