Transport and Logistics Business



Transport and Logistics Business
Faculty of Engineering and Biomedicine
State code: 6531LX003
Study field: Business
Type of the study program: higher education undergraduate college studies
Mode of studies (duration in years): full-time (3)
Volume of the study program in credits: 180
Awarded degree: Professional Bachelor of Business Management
Accredited till: 31-08-2023
Tuition fee: 2700 Eur

Goal of the study program

To train qualified specialists – Professional Bachelors of Business Management– who have the latest and most relevant knowledge of Business and Management field, are able to make independent decisions demanding personal responsibility in planning, organizing, managing and controlling the processes of the company’s transport and logistics activities, or the performance of its division. Being able to communicate properly in groups or individually with partners in achieving goals that are set, creating a positive communication environment, developing professional and personal competency, entrepreneurship, and creating value-added performance.

Outcomes of the study program

Know and understand basic theories of management, economics, logistics and other sciences, also concepts explaining the company’s social-economic phenomena and specific peculiarities of the transport and logistics business.

Apply legislative acts defining the company‘s performance and fundamental knowledge, or business models to determine and solve important problems of transport and logistics companies.

Analyse complex problems of transport and logistics procedures, apply innovative methods of data and information collection, processing and analysing the environment, opportunities and changes in national and international business. Ability to prepare grounded proposals and make decisions.

Plan, organize and control processes of transport and logistics, and related procedures in applying the latest technologies, management and marketing.

Perform local and international load carriages, provide customer service, organization of warehouse activities and inventory management. Perform freight forwarding depending on economic and financial aspects thus ensuring reliable and responsible performance.

Ability to create and develop the performance of a transport and logistics business company or its division, analyse business opportunities, market, company development posibilities, efficiency and high quality of performance.

Combine personal and company interests performing functions of professional activities in local, international and intercultural environment; communicate and collaborate in native and foreign languages, work in a team and independently, keep to principles of professional ethics and moral regulations.

Ability to process information in the area of professional activity, understand the moral responsibility for the impact of the activity and its results on the society, maintain the company’s values ensuring personal and corporate image.

Career opportunities

Graduates can work in large, medium and small transport and logistic companies, also in production and trade, warehouse and terminal. Road, railway, sea, and air transport companies (in supply and marketing divisions), in companies providing transport forwarding services.

After graduating from the Transport and Logistics Business Study program, students can continue studies in Lithuanian and foreign higher schools implementing II cycle study programmes.

Degree granting requirements

Graduate’s knowledge, skills and abilities indicated in the description of the study program are tested and assessed in public defence of a graduation thesis. A graduation thesis is an analytical project, based on independent applied research. 9 ECTS are given for preparation and defence of a graduation thesis.

Coordinator of the study program:

Lecturer Ingrida BrazionienÄ—