
Representative of Kauno kolegija HEI delivered a presentation at an international forum in Norway


On 17 December 2024, Inga Neciunskaitė, Coordinator of International Activities of the Alytus Faculty at Kauno kolegija HEI, delivered a remote presentation at the dissemination event „DELab – Digital Educational Laboratory“ in Norway. This event was part of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Digital Educational Platform for Soft Skills and Culture of Labour Markets” (DEPS-Skills), project No. 2022-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000085928.
The international forum, held in Homersåk, Norway, focused on the significance of soft skills and the culture of labour markets. It brought together experts and representatives from the education sector across Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, and Poland, who participated both remotely and in person to discuss the challenges of labour market integration and the digital solutions being developed as part of the project.
Inga Neciunskaitė’s presentation, titled “New Challenges for Adult Education in Achieving Successful Labour Market Integration and the Importance of Soft Skills in Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, and Poland”, provided a detailed analysis of the key competencies adults
require to succeed in diverse work environments. She highlighted the importance of professional ethics, time management, digital literacy, career planning, and communication skills as foundational abilities that help individuals adapt and remain resilient in the ever-changing
labour market.
The presentation also explored the differences in the development of these competencies across the participating countries. Drawing on the experiences of Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, and Poland, cultural insights were shared to underline how nuances in workplace expectations influence the integration process. Ms. Neciunskaitė emphasized the role of digital tools in enhancing these skills, particularly in the context of professional development and lifelong learning. She urged participants to make use of innovative platforms, such as the DEPS-Skills project, which aim to address skill gaps and improve employability for diverse groups, including migrants. The event, attended by educators, project leaders, partners, and representatives of various organizations, underscored the importance of soft skills as a universal foundation for
professional success.

Active involvement of Kauno kolegija HEI in the project reflects its commitment to equipping students and adult learners with the tools needed to navigate the international labor market successfully. For more information about the Digital Educational Platform for Soft Skills and Culture of Labor Markets project, co-funded by the European Union, visit


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