Information Technologies


Faculty: Faculty of Information Technologies and Management
State code: 6531BX001
Study area: Informatics Sciences
Study field: Informatics Engineering
Type and level of the programme: higher education undergraduate college studies
Mode of studies and duration in years: full-time (3)
Volume of the study programme in credits: 180 ECTS
Awarded degree/professional qualification: Professional bachelor of Informatics Sciences
Language of the programme implementation: Lithuanian, English
Tuition fee: 2700 Eur 

Purpose of the study programme

The Information Technologies study programme is aimed at training engineers capable of programming, designing and creating computer systems, applications for smart devices, creating and administrating databases, administrating computer networks and operating systems, managing computer network, maintaining and administrating business IS and applying integrated computer systems in organization activities.

Goal of the study programme

Train IT specialists who are able to analyse technical characteristics of computer hardware and software, design, programme, install and integrate computer systems  in order to ensure efficient operation of computer systems in a company; make it possible and ensure that students of this study programme will be able to use information sources, select target information, classify and analyse it, constantly improve their competencies, think creatively and critically, analyse and generalize the results of work.

Outcomes of the study programme

Know and apply regularities and principles of mathematics and informatics in order to understand the fundamentals of Informatics engineering study field.
Describe and explain the main concepts, facts related to operation of computers and smart devices, classification and architecture of computer systems, applied decisions of information technologies.
Identify legal requirements for computer systems activities, including data security, rights of intellectual property, work safety questions.
Select and use appropriate data analysis methods and means, collect generalise and analyse data.
Perform analysis of different information resources for a particular case, assess its reliability, and describe the problem and its solution on abstract level.
Analyse modern computer technologies and systems, assess their characteristics considering their technical and functional possibilities and needs of companies.
Programme, design and create computer systems and databases.
Install, integrate, test computer systems, and administer databases and repositories, regarding economic, social, security and ethic aspects of selected solutions.
Know main aspects of computer systems project management and business; responsibly assess ethic, commercial, legal and environmental impact of information systems projects.
Work in team, communicate with colleagues and potential customers of software, solving professional activity tasks. Present problems and decisions of informatics area in writing and orally, in the standard Lithuanian language and at least one foreign language.
Learn independently in professional activities field, understand moral responsibility for impact of own activities and results on society, support company value provisions, ensuring personal and company image.

Career opportunities

Having acquired the degree of Professional bachelor of Informatics Sciences graduates can work in various Lithuanian and foreign computer service companies, telecommunication, automated systems or other type of computerised companies in the state and private sector, manage the corresponding units in the following areas of professional activities: design of computer systems and databases, information management, management of IS projects, system development and integration, administration of databases and computer networks and other areas. It is possible to continue university studies in the graduate study programmes of Informatics Engineering field in the area of Informatics Sciences.

Coordinator of the study program:
Lecturer Rasa BalynienÄ—