Automobile Maintenance


Faculty: Management and Engineering
State code: 6531EX001
Study area: 
Engineering Sciences
Study field and branch: Engineering Sciences; E12 Automobile Transport Engineering
Kind of the study programme: higher education college studies
Mode of studies (duration in years): full-time (3), part-time (4)
Volume of the study programme in credits: 180 ECTS
Awarded degree: Professional Bachelor of Engineering Sciences
Accredited: till 30-06-2022

The purpose of study programme

The study programme is intended to convey the basics of the automotive transport engineer’s profession and to develop the professional and general skills necessary for self-employment and successful career development in the modern laboratory market environment. The study programme covers the following activities: the design, organisation, execution and control of car maintenance, diagnostic and repair processes, and the organisation of business/establishment activities.

Goal of Land Transport Engineering and Automobile Transport Engineering study programme

Train specialists of automobile transport engineering providing knowledge of engineering science necessary for management of the activities of automobile maintenance, diagnostics and repairs, understanding the importance of reliability and functionality of the impact of engineering solutions, providing conditions for continuous improvement of competencies, teamwork, creative and critical thinking and analysis and generalizing the results of activities.

Expected study learning outcomes

Description of learning outcomes of the study cycle Learning outcomes
Knowledge and its application 1. Know general processes and phenomena of the natural sciences that explain the processes in natural and technological environment, the regularities and laws of mathematics and engineering sciences, necessary to understand the fundamentals of land transport engineering study field.
2.Perform engineering analysis, applying knowledge and understanding in analysing the tasks of the field of transport engineering and selecting appropriate methods, experimental and technological equipment.
Ability to carry out research 3. Carry out research in the field of automotive engineering, applying analytical and modelling methods and experimental, laboratory and production equipment, process the results of the tests and laboratory work and provide practical conclusions of these results by using information technology, databases and software.
Special abilities 4. Choose engineering solutions and measures as well as technological equipment required for design, organization, execution and control of technological processes of diagnostics, maintenance and repairs of automotive vehicle equipment and control systems.
5. Have skills in working with the technological equipment used in automotive diagnostics, maintenance and repair work.
6. Perform quality control of work and assess automobile maintenance engineer’s professional solutions from the ethical, social, economic, environmental and human safety point of view.
Social abilities 7. Apply communication, cooperation and collaboration skills in groups and teams to introduce problems and solutions of automotive transport engineering in writing and orally, in correct Lithuanian language and at least one foreign language.
8. Organize and implement the company’s (branch’s) activities, render professional knowledge, take responsibility for the quality of their own and their subordinates’ performance.
Personal abilities 9. Study independently in the field of professional activity, understand moral responsibility for the impact of their activity and its results on the society, maintain the company’s values ensuring personal and corporate image.

Career opportunities

Graduates will be able to work as automobile maintenance engineers in various car and truck maintenance and technical services canters, large motor companies, offices of automobile maintenance technology and equipment design. It is possible to continue university studies of higher education in the field of land transport engineering of technological sciences.

Degree granting requirements

Graduate’s ability to link separate study subjects, to systematize the acquired knowledge, to form research skills by applying them in practice, and demonstration of special, social and personal skills in a specific professional field are tested and assessed in public defence of a graduation thesis. A graduation thesis is student’s independently developed applied research or project which analyses a relevant issue in the area of automobile transport engineering.

Coordinator of the study programme
Associate professor Povilas Å aulys